Nau mai, Haere mai

ki te pae tukutuku o Hikurangi Enterprises

Building and strengthening whānau, hapū and community capability by utilising local resources in the development of sustainable, local enterprises.
  • It allows you to feature various items

    Whare Ora

    The Whare Ora Build program, established in 2020, is dedicated to offering healthy, affordable, and easily accessible housing to whanau and hapu in Te Tairawhiti. The program has expanded to provide a wide range of transportable whare (homes), ranging from one-room sleep-outs to larger 2-bedroom buildings. Whare are delivered fully-equipped with insulation, double-glazed aluminum windows, smoke alarms, and carpet.

    We're also developing a Whare Ora Finance program, a 'Rent-to-own' package supporting low-income whanau and those building on Māori-owned land.

    Find out more about Whare Ora

  • Sawmilling

    The Sawmilling program has been in operation on a small scale in the Waiapu area, since 2020. It was initiated to create employment, while supplying timber for whanau and the Whare Ora Build program.

    It consists of a portable sawmill and two sawmilling crews who utilise their expertise to produce the milled timber. Our crews process local stands of trees on site, in collaboration with the whanau or owners of the trees. When the tree is milled the whanau and Whare Ora receive half-shares of the timber.


    Community Gallery

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    This space is currently under development.

    About Us


    Hikurangi Enterprises Limited (HEL) was established as a social enterprise to drive economic development and employment in the Waiapu valley of Te Tairawhiti, in 2016. Its legal structure is that of a charitable company. HEL is 100% owned by Hikurangi Huataukina Trust, a charitable trust set up at the same time to support community-led economic development and education.

    In 2017 HEL moved quickly to position itself as an innovator in the research and development of bioactive extracts for natural health products in New Zealand including the medicinal cannabis industry and kanuka extracts.

    During COVID, HEL increased it's capability to include supporting whanau in developing food resilience programs, a community housing program and sustainable employment.

    More about us

    Maunga Makarika Ahiateatua Totaranui Matahiia

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